Thursday 6 December 2007


My dad recently name dropped the Chemical Brothers in an attempt to be cool in his blog. I retaliate with this; a much cooler Chemical Brothers song, so I am now cooler. pwnzed.

Anyway, enough of being cool for this evening, back to moaning endlessly. Well, its now December, the shops are now in their full Christmas fixation, the weather has got even rainier and windier, if that is possible. But at least our internets fixed, so I don't have to care about any of that... Hahaha... This spellchecker gets annoyed when I type internet without a capital I.... and also doesn't have Aberystwyth in it, so every time I write it, I'm corrected, and told I live in Abreast. And also when I write Hahaha it tries to correct it to "heehaw"... fucking American pig dogs.

I finally bit the bullet and ordered a graphics card. An EVGA 8800GT 512MB KO Edition, to be precise. Please, no fan mail telling me its wank, Ive already paid for it. And from what Ive read, it should be the shit. So that's good. Although slightly worried its not on Ebuyer's website anymore... It said they only had 3 in stock when I ordered it, so maybe they took it off when they ran out. Its a very new card, and most websites said you may have trouble getting one for Christmas since they haven't made many yet. But, I have one, Ive had an email saying its been sent home, so that's good. I won't be able to plug it in until I get back to Wales after Christmas, but I can sit around stroking it and waiting for better driver support, so I'm happy anyway.

In my spending binge, I also bought myself a Western Digital MyBook II 500GB external hard disk, very pretty. It arrived on Tuesday I think. Its an external hard disk, so its not very exciting, but means I can backup everything which is always good. I mainly wanted it before Christmas, since I'm not taking my PC home, I wanted some mass storage to take my stuff home with me and bring stuff back to Wales in the New Year. The only problem Ive had so far with the thing, was when I first plugged it in, it automatically, without asking, installed a TON on crap on my PC. Google Toolbar, Google Picasa, whatever that is, Google Desktop, and some other 30 day trail backup applications, along with WD's drivers. I was fucking livid. I nearly smashed the thing during the installation, I'm extremely careful what I install. I uninstalled all the software straight away, but this thing had now stuffed loads of DLLs and subfolders all over my PC which I now can't find to delete... GRRR. I spent 30mins going through Program Files and My Docs deleting stupid folders, even after uninstalling... makes me wonder how much it left hidden in my registry... Oh well, I haven't noticed any long term effects on my PC, so I'm hoping I got rid of most of it. But it wasn't a good start to my relationship with my new device.

Oh, and another stage in my saga of ordering the Matrix on DVD off the web... for those who didn't read it before, basically I ordered the Matrix on DVD off PlayTrade, and they sent me some shitty 2nd hand computer game, so I emailed them and told them, and they said "oh fine keep it, we'll send you the Matrix, incredibility sorry". So fair enough I thought, Ive only paid 4 quid, Ive got to expect screw ups if I'm a cheapskate. So... 8 days later, I receive yet another DVD, but once again, its not the one I want. Ill admit, they've got closer... this time they've sent me The Matrix Revolutions. I'm beginning to wonder if the people in their dispatch department, which they assured me last time had "very strict quality control checks" is in fact run by people who can't read. Or, as my housemates theorised, monkeys. I sent them a very angry email, and they now once again assure me they will sent me another DVD. If you give enough monkeys a DVD dispatch department full of DVDs that start with the letter M, how many more times will it take before they send me the Matrix...

Its funny, I was reading my dad's blog about the "Teddy bear called Mohammad" thing, and one point he made was that although the whole thing may seem very barbaric to Daily Mail readers, is it not right that a culture should have sacred words that can't be used for things? Things that cannot be said because they are too holy? Well, I retort that: Daily Mail readers do have scared things, holy, special things which we aren't allowed to poke fun at.... Ive only just finished reading an article about some outrage that Jonathon Ross poked fun at the Madelaine Mccanne investigation at some comedy awards ceremony, saying the voting was investigated by Portuguese Forensic teams or something. How we look down on other countries, saying "How dare they get offended, its only a god's name, for god's sake" and then you read the Daily Mail's front page the next day.... Its like they can't remember what they said the day before... and people still take it seriously? I do agree with my dad, we lost the plot along time ago... this truly shows how hypocritical we are. And if you want my crazy "left wing" opinion: we are no different to them, because we are the same: humans. True human nature always shines through, in every culture and society..... and then I remember why I don't leave the house anymore.