Friday 15 February 2008


Urgh the music most people listen too sucks.

I just took one look at the top 40 and was like "I wouldn't listen to any of this." I get exposed to more pop then normal these days because of Hazel, but she played me the top 3 singles and their all awful. I can barely stand to listen to them, let alone buy them. Did you know the biggest selling single of 2007 was Arvil Lavigne's "Girlfriend"? Ok, maybe the singles charts have never been a bastion of good taste, but seriously: the decline of modern music in the last few years is just shocking. No wonder record sales are down 10% in 2007, its not cos of the piracy, its because there is no good pop music to buy.

Fortunately, I'm fine with my own music for now, I currently have a long list of metal I'm interested in and about 10gbs of music that needs to be listened to for the first time. Ok, it might not all be good, but some of it should be. And a lot of it is new, so there are clearly still a lot of good metal bands around making good metal. The question that really begs to be answered, is why does most of Jo Public like such crap music? I honestly don't get how people can listen to most of it. Ok, Amy Whinehouse and Kate Nash, although aren't my taste, I understand why someone would like them. Same way I can understand when women say a guy is hot, I can normally see what they mean. But with the current top 40... I can't see why anyone would fork out any money for it at all.

I honestly don't know whats to blame with pops decline, maybe its the Crazy frog, I mean if that hell spawn can be number one for 17 weeks (or however long it actually was), maybe that just opened the gates of hell and let all this shit infest the charts. I'm even disgusted at the most liked bands on the Aber network on facebook.... 1. Muse and like Oasis at 3... i mean their listenable... but I wouldn't buy it.... Clearly I'm just out of touch with most pop listeners and mainstream radio friendly music, but I'm not the only one. The last CD I got with Terroriser CD was fucking amazing, got me into so many new British bands, I got it back in December and I was listening to it earlier today.

So clearly there are other people who have similar taste to me, but maybe we're just minority nowadays. Also I don't know if id like my music to get mainstream coverage... but all I'm saying is: I wish people would stop watching boring reality TV, absurd soap operas and looking for Madeline McCann, and stop listening to mindless boring repetitive music. Wake the fuck up, pull your head out your arse, use your brain, open your eyes and ears, there is so much better music with so much more passion and skill involved then fucking Avril Lavigne. Everyone who bought that fucking CD should be shot.

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