Tuesday 11 March 2008


Urgh I really should be asleep right now... my first lecture isn't until 10am, but I just can't sleep. I really think its the stress, I don't seem to be doing anything other then working most the time, because every time I try and do something else, I can't do it because I feel like I should be working. Every time I try to play a game, watch a DVD, sleep, eat, go out, anything, I just feel like I should be sat here working. And when I try and sleep, I just lay there staring at my computer screen, thinking about all the work I should be doing. I just can't switch off my guilt. I think Hazels having the same problem. Hmmm. Oh well, only a few months left.

So, what have I been up to... Not a lot. I got really drunk on my birthday with a lot of strangely dressed friends and family. Bought quite a few good DVDs for myself, mostly for my birthday. I got the original Star Wars trilogy, because I realised it was only 15 quid, and came with bonus discs that has the original, un-remastered versions on, which I thought was quite cool, since they were the versions I grew up with. I should watch them, compare them to the remasters, which Ive already watched through once. I forgot how amazing Star Wars really is, id sort of written it off in the last few years because of the lack-luster prequels, but the originals are still solid gold when you watch them now. I don't know where I stand on the agreement that their kids films, and to show them to an adult whose never seen them before is a waste of time, they won't get it. Its hard to me to judge, since I was brought up on them, but id imagine since a lot of adults liked them when they came out, they still won't have lost their appeal (so long as you don't see one of the shitty prequels first). The remasters aren't bad either, I remember being disappointed with them when they first came out, but watching them now, I'm still left wondering how George Lucas managed to screw up the prequels. Oh well, at least I still have the originals. I also got some other films I haven't seen for a long time but remembered liking: Scarface, Platoon and I, Robot. Ive watched Platoon and Scarface, their as gory and great as I remember them being. I haven't watched I, Robot, because Ive seen it quite recently. It was really underrated when it came out, I thought it was really good. OK, it didn't cover any new Sci-Fi ground, and maybe considering the source material it should have been better, but its still a pretty good film if you just look at it for what it is, rather then what its not, if that makes sense.

This leads me to the other DVD I got, South Park Series 2, which I was surprised by. I remember the early seasons of South Park as being very primitive compared to the latter ones, a lot more vulgar and a lot less clever. I suppose I still agree with that, apart that makes the early South Park episodes sound not good, and that would be incorrect. I would called Matt and Trey, its creators, geniuses, because the fact that they have churned this cartoon out for ten years now, and its only got better (unlike the Simpsons), and it wasn't bad to start with, and the ten year old episodes are still funny, just shows how incredibility perceptive they are. They make really amazing observations about modern society, and poke fun at such odd things, and the humour is so edgy, I still can't believe some of the things they said. When you compare South Park to most the stale crap TV that comes out of America, it truly is a gem. I shall have to expose more people to this.... Its like Pulp Fiction, once you get past the swearing and the obvious jokes and references, it has a lot more depth too it.

I also got a pleasant surprise, that Jamie (my brother Jamie, that is) gave me a few DVDs as well, but these were films I have not seen, which is good. All the films Id bought myself, Id already seen, because I don't buy films I haven't seen in case I don't like them (even though there about the price of a cinema ticket these days anyway). So that gives me some new things to watch that come with a recommendation from Jamie, which is good. So when I'm in the mood for something new and not falling asleep half way through, ill have to give them a watch. Musically, I bought myself one CD for my birthday, which was from a band I hadn't heard before, so I suppose that was a bit daring, but not really, since Id heard other things from most the members of the band in other bands, so I had a good idea what to expect. It wasn't bad, a bit repetitive though, but one or two good tracks.

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