Friday 9 November 2007

Computers fail epically

Urgh, after my experiences with the Pentium 2 machine I was using earlier, and as my lecture was right next door, I thought Id use the comp sci Sun lounge for my next blog. (ed FYI Sun, like Apple, make non-Windows/Microsoft PCs. SunRays, as their computers are called, are kinda like Macs, only less arty and sexy. The Comp Sci Sun Lounge is just a room full of them) Big mistake. Spent 30 mins trying to remember how to login, open a browser, then I had to manually input the university proxy settings, then Mozilla wouldn't load, and Ive just given up and moved to a room full of Windows PC.

Not to be beaten, Ive now looked up how to get Mozilla to load, turns out they changed the whole system last year, so my shell is out of date and Im going to have to open a command prompt and type in a couple of lines of code which I have no idea what they do to get it work again. Linux, you fail. Now we see why Microsoft really isn't scared of it, even the special Sun tailored version: you still need a PHD to use it.

Mind you, I then tried to open Word on this Windows PC, and got the shock of my life: Word 2007. How the smeg do you do.... anything? Whats this ribbon thing? Where are all the grey menus? All gone apparently. Like the book on standardisation, Microsoft has thrown their own GUI rules to the wind.
I think I might just go home now, I think Id like to stay inside, hug my XP machine for a while and remember the good times.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

When I read 'the Comp Sci Sun Lounge' I had an image of a computer room with those lights they give to kids in Finland to expose them to the right vitamin A and D producing business, only for geeks that never see the outside world... :D

Nice blogging, John-boy.