Thursday 22 November 2007

Fun Blog

Ok, hopefully this blog should be a bit more jolly then most, since Ive found some amusing websites:

Face transformer - Lets you upload a picture and muck about with it, quite amusing too see what you look like as an ape man.
Portal Cat ^_^
Aberystwyth man crushed under house full of rubbish - Ok, so some people might not find this funny, but I just found it a bit odd, and wondered if that might happen when someone next stays in the spare bedroom...

Jellyfish launch assault on Salmon fortress - Lol, I just thought it was funny, that even the fish in Northern Ireland are at war with each other.... I think their just in a power struggle now Ming, the Mighty 400 year old clam Warlord, is dead.

The ultimate children's character, made by Zippy...

MOO - A very trippy animation about cows, with some quite cool music. It gets better near the end so I recommend watching it through if your interested. Quite gorey as well, I wonder if the maker eats meat?

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