Thursday 8 November 2007

The day today

Ok, so Im quite a boring person really, I don't do alot. I sit, then I eat, or drink, while using a computer, to do something, normally destroying things rather then anything useful. So, Im going to fall back to the news for inspiration for what to blog about. So heres my first round up of today's headlines and my ignorant opinions about them.

News item 1

Well, what am I suppose to think about that? I suppose the two main points of view people are going to have of this, both mainly consist of outrage. I mean theres going to be view number one, which is "why should Sikhs be treated any different to other faiths? if catholics cant wear crosses etc. then how can the school allow her to wear whatever she wants" which was my initial reaction, then on reflection, I realised an important difference. I don't know anything about Sikhs, but by the sounds of it, she has to wear these 5 things, otherwise she isn't following her religion correctly. Catholics, however, I believe don't have to wear crosses all the time, although a fair few choose too. The other view, I guess would be outrage the that the school is telling her what to do, interfering with our right to freely practise religion.

I tend to think of myself as rather liberal and protective of rights in the face of oppression, but I still feel the article makes it sound rather like shes expecting special treatment in a main stream school, which certainly in my day, was not available. School was never about freedom of expression, it was about conformity, instilling a set of ideals into children so that they can function correctly in society later in life. Is that the right way to raise children? I don't know, indoctrination to a degree bothers me, but the other half of me is glad, because most people are idiots, and the more we contain them, the less likely they are to get in my way. I suppose this is exactly the kind of arcticle I should expect from the Times...

News item 2
Ok, who really cares about this anymore? We all know hes a junkie, who cares? A rock star? Who does alot of drugs? That is so news worthy. Just because he was once involved with Kate Moss, who I also don't care about since shes a model, most of them are about as deep as a piece of paper. Or maybe just as thin as.

News items 3 and 4
These two are just here because I think their both just massive wins for convetional wisedom: Being fat makes you more likely to get cancer and making eye contact with people is good. Call me a genius but I could have already told you that years ago...

News item 5
This just makes me a sad panda. De-stablisation in that region could be really bad, since it shares a boarder with afganistan and indian. And also because I believe its common knowledge that pakistan has nuclear weapons. So it just generally seems like a bad thing all round really. Sort it out.

Anyway, thats enough of this. I think I might write more later, but I think I will focus more on technology news, since I generally know more about that. I know have a media and communcations lecture, which im really not looking forward too, since we're doing group work and most of my group doesn't speak English. Does that make racist? Im not sure. I tend to think not, since its actually true, they don't speak English.

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