Tuesday 13 November 2007

Rise Internet! Rise!

Im now back online after a week and a half battle with BT and Eclipse to sort out our broken ADSL. We're still not sure what the problem was, something had apparently blown up at the exchange and they didn't notice until we called a BT engineer out yesterday, who said our equipment was fine (which I already knew, thanks) and the problem must be at the exchange, which he then drove too, and a voila!

I find it most frustrating, being an IT student/semi-professional that it took me a week and a half to convince them that it wasn't our equipment at fault, and to actually come out and take a look. I suppose so many of the calls they get must be human error, it must be rare that something is actually broken at their end, so it took them a while to believe us. Anyway, I shall do a full and proper blog hopefully later today, I thought Id just do this in celebration of being able to blog on my own computer in my own room.


Mike said...


Hazel said...

I am using those very internets to comment on your blog. Meta there, definitely.

Handy said...

Pop... boy who lives next to me. We've got the internet and someone gave me permission to blog. Whatever next?

Llanrhystud Childminder said...

You would expect a multi million pound company like BT, to notice equipment failure!