Thursday 8 November 2007

Tits and bent knees

This is me responding to my first piece of criticism, that my blog is boring and doesn't have enough "guns, tits and explosions", thank you Jami (ex-gf).

Well this one isn't really about tits as such, more just my musing on the lecture I just had. If you didn't read the end of my last blog, where I mentioned I was heading off to a lecture of media and communications. I opted to take one module of media and communications, because I thought it would make an refreshing change to my other lectures about "the web" which are really starting to blur into one. Also because I noticed a lot of girls in the queue for this departments modules. I'm serious, over half the class are girls, and not bad looking ones either. Compared to my comp sci lectures which manage about 2 girls per day, this is a massive improvement. Maybe thats shallow, but not really. I hate most people who take comp sci. I'm not sure weather this is part of some growing self loathing complex that Ive got, or weather they really just are that annoying. They tend to be two breeds of comp sci students: theres the cocky, self assured ones, who even though being as geeky as the others, seem to think that they are the shit, and that Microsoft is going to steal their Firefox plugin source code. The rest, are just Moss from the IT crowd, only without the cute funnyness, and generally uglier and smellier. Maybe Im just being really hypocritical, but I don't really see myself as either. Ok, im not especially good looking, or good at washing my clothes or hair, but Im not that bad. And I don't faint every time I see a girl. Bonus.

Hmm... actually, while changing track on my mp3 player, I thought, I probably do fit into the ultra geek category, especially since Im blogging, I spend most my free time playing or talking about computer games with Jam, and me and Hazel have 1337 Thursdays. But Hazels still a girl, even if she likes Lord of the Rings a lot, so I still win.

Anyway, so im now imprisoned in this computer workstation room, because its raining and I just really can't be bothered to walk down the hill home and get on with my life. So I might as well talk about this lecture I just had. Actually, Hazels just started talking to me on msn, so I might be running out of time, best hurry.

Well, in my heart of hearts, I think my lectuer was an hour and a half of man bashing. My lecturer seemed determined that adverts from the 70s were purely constructed to oppress women, by making them always lesser in height, or in a childish pose. She did have some good points, which I didn't immediately notice, such as how women often have bent knees in adverts. Im sure if I had looked enough adverts I might have noticed, but it was still a good point. This does kind of back up what she was saying, that they are shown as being playful, sexy, and submissive in adverts compared to men.

I think I freak most the people, mostly female, in that lecture out. Mainly cos when I stick my hand up, its normally some perverted comment about a sexual undertones. Like I pointed out that, in a advert for perfume for men and women, the man is in a athletic pose, like an Olympiad, which the lecturer liked. Then I pointed out the women was in a fetal pose, and dare I say it, a sexually receptive one? Apparently Im too shocking for these people. Media studies lecturers are odd, they either seem like complete prudes, like this one, who seem outraged at the idea of sex selling anything, or like my A level lecturer, constantly ranting about how penises are the key to all horror films, and being stabbed is being raped more or less. And vampires are a metaphor for aids, which she must have made up, since vampires existed first.

Then, I thought more about bent knees. People who do spiriting, don't they bend their knees? Doesn't dad bend his knees when hes doing squats? Doesn't plumbers get on their knees to fix sinks? Maybe their being submissive because they're being paid for a service? I don't know, I think Ill continue to contemplate the relevance of the bent knees. But yes, tits. Most people in my lecture don't seem to be able to grasp the difference between gender and sex. I think I do, from reading too many forums. Gender, is ones mental image of ones sexuality and personality, which is often reflected physically. Sex, is what genitals you have. Both can be pointing different ways, hence why there is a difference between Eddie Izzard, who I believe is perfectly comfortable with his genitals, but still crosses into the female gender.

I think Im with Bill Bailey, in that men feel slightly trapped by the label of "man", and prefer "bloke". I feel this is partly due to advertisers, who have now woven the ideal of manhood into this unreachable feat of being dominating, brave, physically fit, great in bed, and always right about everything. But now advertisers are capitalising on the blokes image in beer and magazine adverts, and I imagine soon we will have to create ourselves a new identity. I just get this feeling from the lecture I was just in. The mostly female audience seemed to generally smirk at any references to men being superior and quite frankly the guys seemed scared. Maybe this is a good thing, maybe us modern men are just slightly embarrassed about our past role as dominators of the un-PC days... Jam suggested to me the other day, that perhaps men are starting to get this kind of attitude because we are some of the first generations of men to be raised entirely by women, due to the increase of single parenting and that men no longer have any crafts or trades to pass down to their sons. This theory seems rather incomplete to me, but he was rather drunk at the time so maybe I just didn't understand, or it wasn't a serious point. Ill stop now. I want to blog more about technology though. And no more criticism, I've already sold out enough.

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