Friday 16 November 2007

Missing Information Gutter

It would seem I left out quite a few things I was meaning to share with you in my last blog, due to having so much to say. Firstly, here are some more pictures of Jac from yesterday, to backup my case for him being the cutest entity in the known universe. Their on facebook, but Ive gone to great lengths to try and make sure it doesn't make you login to look at them. Just click on the link, then the picture of him, and it should bring up the whole album's collection.

Secondly, I remembered something which was one of the main reasons for my displeasure yesterday. Just after I got back from my wasted trip up the hill for a cancelled lecture, Jenny phoned me and told me my estranged pet rabbit Trotsky had died. He was probably about three years old, and had to be put down cos he had myxomatosis. Not a huge personal loss, in perspective, because of me not having seen him for about two years. It just brought back a lot of memories of Jenny and all the time we used to spend together playing with him, before she moved to Rosser and I went on my industrial year. She told me shes currently living in a YMCA. I don't really know why, I can't keep track of everyone's lives at the moment.

RIP Trotsky Marklew Gray

Today so far has been pretty rubbish, I woke up with a headache and my housemates moaning the internet wasn't working. I fixed it and then went back to bed. I then go up for a drink, spoke to Dandy, and remembered my DVD I ordered should have arrived. I ran downstairs, found it and a large pile of Time magazines for Hazel (why she needs 4 the same I will never know). I opened the box only to discover, instead of the original Matrix on DVD, I had been sent a second hand computer game called Myst IV Revelations. To be fair, Ive ordered off PlayTrade about 5 times now, and normally its pretty much the same as normal service, just a bit cheaper, some more rare stuff, and it normally takes longer to come. This is the first real problem Ive ever had with anything Ive ordered online. I hope its the last.

After marching around the house verbally expressing my displeasure, I emailed the seller asking what I had to do to get rid of it and get my DVD. They replied asking for an order code, because apparently the 3 order codes I provided weren't enough. I find this all highly annoying, as Ive had to wait a week for this DVD already, and now I have to pay out my own money to send this stupid computer game back and then wait another week for my DVD. I'm not impressed. I'm beginning to feel like Victor Meldrew mixed with Ozzy Osbourne more then ever right now. Apart from when I had broken ribs, when I actually looked, walked and mumbled like Ozzy and was probably equally dosed up.

This may interest people who are from Aberystwyth: NO MORE 24/7 DRINKING AT INN ON THE PIER

1 comment:

Annie Pollard said...

I'm so sorry about Trotsky, I know how much you loved that bunny and he was soooo cute.