Friday 9 November 2007

The Williams in Wetherspoons

Just thought you might want to coo over these images my friend Sian (the mother) added on facebook just now. They were taken yesterday afternoon in our local Wetherspoons, when we met her 2 week old baby Jac for the first time. Thats all for now, since I have a lecture in 3 minutes and Im currently writing this on the slowest computer Ive used for a few years (Pentium 2 I think). I think the internet is bad for me, Ive only been on here 30 mins and Ive just spent 30 quid on (although I swear thats the last game im buying till Christmas). Also, at the request of Annie, I might turn comments on, although I might make it google members only to try and avoid spam. And also, to prove Im a geek, I managed to access my blog via Wap on my phone yesterday ^_^ woot.

Jam and Jac
JacHazel and Jac
John and Jac

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